Thursday, June 4, 2015

Do one thing... sort of

This was always confusing advice. Do one thing.

So how do I open a file, read it, close it, parse it, and then process the input.
That's a lot more than one thing. Something has got to "do several things"

Like most soundbites, Do One Thing is correct, but incomplete. You have to take into account levels of abstractions. So do one thing at a given level of abstraction.

A call to ProcessConfigFile can reasonably kick off calls to open, read, close, parse and process.
But it should not actually _do_ the Reading, Parsing and the Processing for example. You should call someone else to _do_ these.

If it does Reading, Parsing and Processing, then you have them bound together. So now if you want to process already parsed data from an block of memory or from a network connection, your Process code needs to be "fished out" of the Read Parse code.

So at one level ProcessConfigFile does indeed do one thing. At a more detailed level, each function or class it calls or uses will also do one thing.

If you aggregate the functionality of others classes or functions, then you don't want to mix in any functionality of you own.  Mixing low level details and high level structures tends to hide what is important.  If you have a 30 line function which contains 20 lines of string formatting and 4 lines of structurally important code, it starts to become easy to miss the big stuff for the detail.

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